Author and grief expert David Kessler provides books, resources, grief groups, online workshops, and a grief counselor directory.
The Center for Loss & Life Transition
The Center for Loss & Life Transition led by death educator and grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt is an organization dedicated to helping people who are grieving and those who care for them. Offers grief resources for the entire family- books, trainings, articles and more.
Guided Imagery for Healing Trauma
Guided Imagery for the Three Stages of Healing Trauma: Nine Meditations for Posttraumatic Stress by Belleruth Napastek. A 3-CD set created for the three phases of trauma recovery: 1) Re-Establishing Safety & Control 2) Healing and Integration and 3) Renewal.
Written article and video from a widow whose husband died of pancreatic cancer- compiled by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.