This section of Widowed Village is devoted to our Newly Widowed members. Soaring Spirits defines newly widowed as anyone who has been widowed for less than twelve months.
These early days of widowhood often pass by in a blur. Many people experience shock and confusion as they begin to navigate a new world without their person physically present. The challenges of early widowhood may feel relentless, as you experience strong emotions, process end of life paperwork, and adapt to the changes in lifestyle that have accompanied the death of your spouse or partner.
Access to a supportive community, like the one available through Soaring Spirits, can provide both comfort and hope as you face the challenges ahead. This page is full of resources designed specifically for this time of widowhood. We want you to know that you are not alone, and that in Soaring Spirits you’ve found a community that will walk with you through all the days ahead.